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CSS Profile

The CSS Profile helps to determine your eligibility for institutional need-based grants. The Profile became available on October 1, 2023 for the 2024–25 academic year. The Profile became available on October 1, 2024 for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Not all students are required to complete the CSS Profile. Our office will email you your requirements beginning in the fall semester, but you can always log in to your FAOnline account and review the “Required Documents” screen in the 2025–2026 award year, once it is available.

Resources to help you complete the CSS Profile can be found on the College Board website at  Included on the site is the Profile Student Guide, Profile Overview and the Profile Tutorial.

Be aware that there is a cost for filing the CSS Profile, but the College Board is able to waive the application fee for those families that qualify. During the application process, the College Board will determine if you are eligible for the fee waiver based on the information you provide on the Profile.

Submit your Profile to the University using our school code 2928.

Complete the CSS Profile

CSS profile for non-custodial parents

In situations where the biological parents are separated, divorced, or were never married, the Profile must be submitted by both parents to help determine eligibility for need-based University funding.

Complete this requirement as instructed during the Profile submission process.